Writing Tips: 5 Habits of Highly Successful Writers

Are you still struggling to get to the level of writing that you want? Are you tired of spinning your wheels? Are your motivated and ready to use the same 5 writing tips that experts in the field have used to be successful? Then this article is for you. If you stick with these 5 highly effective habits for the next year, you are guaranteed to be closer to your writing goals than you are right now.

  • Want to right a great book? Then be sure to pay attention to Writing Tip Habit #1
  • Want to write better? Then be sure to pay attention to Writing Tip Habit #2
  • Want to use the magic of your own writing assistant? Then check out Writing Tip Habit #3
  • Want to jump into the publishers ring and get your work noticed? Then Habits #4 and #5 will push you in that direction.

So, let’s get started:

How to Write a Book using this Writing Tip: Habit #1

Write every single day. That’s 7 days a week. If your goal is to write a book, then you can achieve that by putting your words, your thoughts, down on paper each day. Before you know it, you will have quite a collection of material that you can use to assemble your first book. If you are writing articles for an article marketing campaign, then you will have a great collection of material to use and repurpose to promote your business.

How to Write Better using this Writing Tip: Habit #2

Great writers are also voracious readers. Take at least 1 hour each day to read something, but read with a purpose. It’s a good idea to have a notebook close at hand so that you can jot down notes, phrases, words, and sentence structures you like from the material that you are reading. This helps you find your own voice, your own rhythm and your own style.

Empower your Subconscious Assistant with this Writing Tip: Habit #3

Establish a writing routine. By writing at the same time and in the same place each day, it sends a signal to your subconscious mind that it’s time to work and write amazing content when you go to that place. This sounds unbelievable, I know. But the mind is very powerful and establishing great writing habits like this allows you to focus better.

Take a Chance-Stop Pretending-by using this Writing Tip: Habit #4

Don’t “play” at being a writer. You are lucky to be writing in this current time. In the past, the only real option for a writer was to get published in print form through a magazine, newspaper, movie script, or book. Today, the internet allows you to publish your material online with a couple clicks of a mouse. You can publish on your own blog, submit articles to article directories, self-publish in print or electronically, as well as approach the traditional publishing methods that are still used. Your options are almost endless. At first, not a soul may find or read your material; however, as you go along you will get better not only at writing stuff that people want to read, but driving traffic to your content. This knowledge comes through content marketing and article marketing strategies.

Don’t Fall Prey to Writer’s ADD with this Writing Tip: Habit #5

Finish every piece of writing you start. This is tougher than it sounds. Writers usually have a brain full of ideas that they want to explore. As a result, there are a lot of half-great writing pieces that will never see the light of day. Remedy this by finishing everything and then send it out there. Sometimes you can hire a ghostwriter to take your idea, polish it and complete, and have it ready for publication. Other times you just have to discipline yourself to finish. Let the universe know that you have arrived!

But what about all those other great ideas? Go ahead and capture the thought and inspiration. Jot down notes or record your thoughts for those additional projects. Put them on your own version of an editorial calendar so that you have a set date to start that writing project. Then, when the date arrives start writing, finish the piece, and then publish it.

With these 5 writing tips for writing a book or other content, you will develop the kind of habits that successful business people use. Don’t fool yourself, writing is a business. And, if you want your business to sustain you so that enjoy this great gift more often, then you must establish habits that move you closer to success.

Every day is a chance to write better than you did the day before. It’s a process, it’s a journey, and it’s a pretty fantastic one.